What Actually Happens During a Micro-transplant Hair Transplant?

What Actually Happens During a Micro-transplant Hair Transplant?

So, you’re thinking about having a hair transplant but don’t know what to expect? Or perhaps you’ve booked in and now you’re counting down the days until you undergo your life-changing procedure. Even if you’ve done your research and think you’ve got it covered, it’s normal to get a daunting feeling before going in for the procedure.

Here at Gro, many of our patients are surprised to find out how little discomfort they experience throughout the procedure day. However, knowledge is power, so being as informed as possible before you go into the procedure can help ease the nerves.

In this article, we go over what the day of a micro-transplant hair transplant looks like here at Gro, step by step. But first, let’s look at how the Gro hair transplant technique works.

The Gro micro-transplant hair transplant technique explained

At Gro Clinics, the hair transplant technique we use is Micro FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), a technique we have refined to give our patients only the most natural and high-quality outcomes.

This technique doesn’t involve any cutting into the skin, as the hairs are extracted one by one with a specialised tool that only punches with a diameter of 1mm or less. The technique is minimally invasive to the scalp tissue in the donor site.

Gro is also the only hair restoration clinic in Australia to store the hair follicles in a growth solution called HypoThermosolTM, typically used for organ transplants. This helps us achieve industry-leading survival rates for follicles, nearly a 100%.

Finally, the hairs are implanted with another specialised tool that gives the doctor full control over the depth, direction and angle of the implantation. There is an art to hair transplants, and our doctors are highly trained in creating a natural look.

Most of our procedures are done in one day, but some very extensive procedures may take 2 days. Typically, a procedure lasts between 6-12 hours.

As a recap, here’s how our micro-transplant transplants are different:

  • Always done by a certified doctor, not a robot or a technician
  • Least invasive extraction technique using specialist tools
  • Hair follicles are stored in HypoThermosolTM, giving us industry-leading follicle survival rates
  • The delicate implantation tool gives the doctor full control over the depth, direction and angle of the implantation for 100% guaranteed natural results

Now, let’s move on to what the big day itself looks like!


The Day of the Micro-transplant

1. Meet the team

On the day of your procedure, you will be welcomed into the clinic by our team. You will have a pre-procedure discussion with a nurse, usually starting at 7:30 in the morning.

Each Gro hair transplant is performed by a doctor, so before the procedure you will get the opportunity to meet your doctor and ask any questions.

2. Preparation for the procedure

Before the procedure itself begins, you will be required to change into non-surgical garments and depending on the number of hairs to be transplanted, your hair may need to be shaved. This facilitates the handling of follicles which is kept to an absolute minimum. Then, the doctor will mark out the treatment area on your scalp.


3. Local anaesthetic

Next, a local anaesthetic will be injected into your scalp to make it completely numb. A local anaesthetic is a medication that blocks the sensation of pain, without the loss of consciousness. In fact, the initial pricks from the local anaesthetic are often the only discomfort patients feel during the entire procedure!


4. The extraction phase

The extraction phase is when the doctor extracts the number of grafts required for the procedure from the back or sides of your head. These areas of the scalp rarely go bald, so the hair follicles are considered to be resistant to balding.

You will be lying face-down during the extraction phase, similar to how you lie face-down on a massage bed. A very fine, specialised tool (no scalpel, therefore no stitches) is used to extract the follicles to minimise damage to the follicles and the scalp. There is no non-surgical incision or detectable scarring associated with this technique.

The doctor carefully removes the follicles one by one, and they are then placed in a HypoThermosolTM growth solution. This preservative solution, which is commonly used in organ transplants, helps us achieve a nearly 100% survival rate for the hair follicles.

You can listen to your choice of music during the extraction phase.


5. Lunch break

After extraction, you can have a break for some lunch. During the day, the clinic will provide you with snacks, a light lunch and a beverage.


6. The implantation phase

The next phase is the implantation phase. Another specialised tool is used to implant each graft, by hand. The specialised implanter tool, along with the extensive experience and expertise of the doctor, allows for every hair to be implanted at the correct depth, angle and direction. The hair blends seamlessly with the hair around it, resulting in a completely natural look.

You will be lying on your back for the implantation phase, so you can watch a movie, a show or even catch up on your emails. We have Netflix available in the procedure for you to choose something to watch from.


7. Procedure finishes

Once the procedure is complete, the donor site will be bandaged. Then, you’ll have your post-procedure discussion with the nurse, who will go over your post-procedure care routine. You will be given a take-home bag with detailed care instructions as well as all your medications.


8. Post-operation care

And just like that, you’re ready to go home and start your recovery! Read the post-procedure care instructions and follow them carefully to ensure you don’t dislodge the newly implanted follicles, getting the best possible results from your hair transplant.


What Happens Next?

After procedure, following the post-operative routine is crucial. You can return to work the following day, but many people choose to take some time off. Most of our patients take a week off so that they can recover fully before going back to work.

You will start noticing an improvement in hair growth within 3-4 months, but the complete results can take up to a year.


Book Your Consultation

A Gro hair transplant using the refined micro-transplant technique offers a safe, permanent and completely natural solution to hair loss.

We have helped thousands of men and women restore a full head of hair with a result that lasts for life. For personalised hairline restoration information, book a consultation with a hair restoration expert. Simply click on one of the buttons below to book a consultation or ask a question. Alternatively, you can call us on 1300 787 563.

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