Results Of Hair Transplants: More Than You'd Think

Results Of Hair Transplants: More Than You'd Think

Physiologically, our hair plays an important role. It helps maintain body temperature and protects the scalp from sunburn. But psychologically, it's so much more than that.

Until you start losing your hair, you probably don’t appreciate how much it contributes to your self-image. If what you see in the mirror every morning doesn’t match how you think of yourself, or reminds you that you aren’t as young as you used to be, it can feel pretty devastating.

The psychological effects of hair loss

A high proportion (over 60%) of men who experience hair loss suffer negative psychological effects. Many men report becoming socially withdrawn because they are embarrassed about their appearance. In one study, some of the negative consequences of hair loss included:

  • feeling less attractive (43%)
  • fear of becoming bald (42%)
  • fear of getting old (37%)
  • loss of self-confidence (22%)
  • depression (21%)

Men suffering from hair loss have higher than normal levels of depression, anxiety and aggressiveness. Unfortunately, stress is a common trigger for hair loss and may make the condition worse.

The psychological impacts of hair loss on self-image can also have broader social and emotional implications, such as marital problems and trouble at work. This is especially true for men who may have a personal ‘brand’ that helps them to do their job effectively. It's not uncommon for men to feel that they have been overlooked for promotions or have been treated differently since their hair loss has become more noticeable.

What are the treatment options?

Even though hair loss is extremely common, that’s little comfort to the thousands of men who feel that they are ageing prematurely and are anxious or upset. Luckily, two scientifically backed solutions exist: prescription treatments and hair transplants.

There are two commonly used medical treatments that can delay or prevent further hair loss when used on an ongoing basis. These treatments have been shown to be effective in a majority of men, especially in the early stages of hair loss. They're more effective for hair loss in the crown area than a receded hairline.

 For a receded hairline or more extensive hair loss, a hair transplant offers a permanent solution. In a hair transplant procedure, healthy donor hais follicles are taken from areas of the scalp that aren’t affected by baldness, such as low on the back of the head. These follicles are non-surgically inserted one by one into the area to be treated. Because the donor follicles are genetically resistant to balding, they will continue to produce hair for the rest of your life.

The right help for your hair loss

Gro offer solutions to every stage of hair loss. Gro Online Care gives you access to hair loss specialist doctors and prescription treatments 100% online, and our clinics across Australia offer leading hair transplant procedures.

The Gro hair transplant method is superior to the other transplant methods (FUE and FUT) currently available in Australia. We consistently achieve a very high (over 90%) survival rate of transplanted hair.  Our specialised implanter tool controls depth, direction and angle of placement, so the new hair growth looks completely natural.

Recovery time is much quicker with no scars and no stitches. You'll see an improvement in hair growth within three months, with the full results visible within 9-12 months. 


Men who had successful treatment for their hair loss have reported improvements in their emotional well-being. Between 40% to 60% of these men experienced higher self-esteem and felt more attractive as a result of their treatment. That’s a pretty good reason to come and talk to us about treatment options for your hair loss!


Come and experience the difference and let us help you look and feel your best. Simply click on one of the buttons below or call us on 1300 787 563.

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Hair Transplant Diary One Man's Emotional Journey