How To Talk To Your Husband Or Partner About Hair Loss

How To Talk To Your Husband Or Partner About Hair Loss

For some men, their hair is part of their identity. The process of losing it can be devastating. As a wife or partner, having to witness your loved one suffering the emotional impact of hair loss can be heart wrenching. 

Making a joke about their progressively thinning hair is one of the most common ways that men try to hide their real feelings. If you notice that your husband or partner is emotionally impacted by hair loss, simply talking to them in a supportive way can help to ease the stress and sense of loss that often accompanies the onset of male pattern baldness.

If you suffer from hair loss, answer these 3 questions to discover the best treatment option for you.

How To Talk To Your Husband Or Partner About Hair Loss


How To Approach The Hair Loss Talk

The subject of hair loss is a delicate one. Maybe he occasionally mentions that it bothers him, or maybe he simply ignores it, hoping that it’s temporary or just avoiding the thought of it. A supportive wife or partner can help to turn negative emotions around and give him the confidence to seek effective treatment, if that’s what he chooses.


1. Try to understand how he might be feeling.

The onset of male pattern baldness may trigger fears of getting older, a fear that you will no longer find him desirable, or a sense of loss of control. Be compassionate and understanding about his fears and emotions, and the impact it may be having on his confidence and self-esteem.


2. Let him take the lead.

Waiting for the right moment to show your support is important as you don’t want to be seen as being critical or insensitive. Waiting for him to bring up the subject gives you the opportunity to discuss his hair loss in a natural way, rather than forcing the subject, or bringing it up out of the blue which may fuel his concerns.


3. Suggest things that can encourage healthy hair growth.

Although genetics and changing hormone levels are the main cause of baldness, other factors such as stress, poor diet, lack of exercise and smoking can impede hair growth. For healthy hair growth, encourage your loved one to relax, exercise, eat a nourishing diet and forgo the cigarettes. Doing these things together will show your support and commitment.


4. Have knowledge to share.

Researching different treatment options and sharing what you know with your husband or partner can take away some of the anxiety if the prospect of dealing with hair loss seems daunting. Gro have written a guide with everything you need to know about hair loss and the various treatment options. To download the guide, click here.


5. Give reassurance.

Let him know that you love him no matter what, and you want him to be happy. Tell him that whatever he decides to do – get treatment, not get treatment, it’s ok with you. The most important thing he should do is get a proper medical diagnosis from a hair loss expert. To book a hair loss diagnosis online now, simply click on the button below.

Permanent Hair Loss Solution

Hair Implantation is a permanent solution to hair loss. A Gro micro-transplant hair transplant uses 100% your own hair and is considered the most advanced and most delicate hair transplant technique. Gro are the only clinics in Australia to guarantee natural results. 

You can see the completely natural results achieved by Gro Hair Implantation in the before and after pictures below.

Take The First Step – Book A Consultation

For personalised information, the first step is to book a consultation with a Gro hair growth specialist in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sydney, Perth or Melbourne. During the private consultation, a correct diagnosis for the hair loss will be given and the opportunity to discuss the various treatment options. 

Simply click on one of the buttons below to book a consultation online now or ask a question. Alternatively, you can call us on 1300 787 563.

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