How To Avoid A Bad Hair Transplant & Scarring

How To Avoid A Bad Hair Transplant & Scarring

Imagine going through the process of getting a hair transplant and being unhappy with the result. A bad hair transplant or obvious scarring can be devastating. At Gro Australia, approximately 15% of the procedures we do is correction work – fixing the mistakes from other clinics in Australia and abroad. These corrective procedures are difficult as there is often a large amount of scarring to deal with.

Here we give you our top tips on how to avoid a bad hair transplant to ensure you’re happy with the result.

How To Avoid A Bad Hair Transplant & Scarring

Put Safety First

Do your research, properly. It’s important to do your homework and choose a hair transplant technique that minimises scarring. It’s critical to choose a technique that minimises scarring as you may want to shave your head (or part of) in the future, or at least have the option open to you.

Hair transplant clinics have a duty of care to their patients, to ensure they have additional options should they want them in the future. This means clinics have a duty of care to not over-harvest hairs (use too many that a future hair transplant would not be possible), and to minimise scarring so that it is undetectable should the patient wish to shave their hair in the future.

3 danger signs to watch out for:

  1. Unqualified technicians – procedure is performed by unqualified technicians and not performed by a doctor from start to finish.
  2. Robotic or motorised extraction methods – the only benefit of robotic or motorised extraction is speed but the risk is compromised quality. Robotic or motorised (“punch”) extraction can be linked to scarring due to the trauma it causes the skin. The speed at which the punch operates generates heat which causes tissue trauma, and punches that rotate can “tear” the punch site, leading to scarring. Additionally, all patients are unique, there are differences in hair follicle length, some patients have fine hair, others have coarse hair. Some patients have firm skin, some have soft skin. A punch cannot accommodate these differences, whereas a Doctor using the manual Gro micro-transplant technique can account for each patients’ uniqueness.
  3. Poor follicle survival rate – The clinic may need to take more hairs to compensate for a poor survival rate of the grafts. You shouldn’t lose hair while having a hair loss treatment…

Spend time researching clinics, check out their Social pages, patient diaries, before and after photos and read their reviews. The professionalism of their website and educational blog content should also be considered. You wouldn’t buy a car, or anything of value really, without doing an appropriate amount of research first and a hair transplant should be no exception.

Fully understand what’s involved

Questions you should know the answers to include:

  • Will my own hair be used?
  • How are the hairs extracted?
  • How are the hairs implanted?
  • How long is recovery?
  • What can I expect during recovery?
  • Will there be any scarring?
  • Who will be doing the procedure – a doctor or technician?
  • What is your typical follicle survival rate?
  • Who can I call if I have questions or concerns?
  • Are natural results guaranteed?


Consider all the factors and benefits, not just price

There are many factors to consider with a hair transplant – expertise, experience, safety, technique, recovery and results just to name a few. Patients that go abroad for treatment or base their decision solely on price, can end up paying twice – once for the procedure and then again for corrective work.

It’s important to consider the investment in the result, not simply a cost per graft figure. The hair transplant technique has industry leading follicle survival rates, typically over 95%, therefore you may need fewer hairs than you think. If you’ve received a quote from another clinic, take advantage of a no-obligation consultation at Gro Australia to compare.

At Gro Australia, we are proud to guarantee natural results and we are the only clinic in Australia to do so.


Book Your Consultation

For personalised hair transplant information and to have all of your questions answered, book a consultation with a Gro hair growth specialist. Simply click on one of the buttons below to book a consultation or ask a question. Alternatively, you can call us on 1300 787 563.


hair transplant patient



Gro Sydney Clinic – Suite 4, Level 6/75 Crown St, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011 -(02) 9194 0140.

Gro Melbourne Clinic – Suite R11/717 Bourke St, Docklands VIC 3008 – (03) 9081 5868.

Gro Brisbane Clinic – G/135 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill QLD 4000 – (07) 3147 8177.

Gro Gold Coast Clinic – 178 Ashmore Rd, Benowa QLD 4217 – 1300 787 563.

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